Consistent structure
Collect all your loved recipes in a consistent format.
Normalised units
Our recipe engine will normalise all your ingredient units automatically. By doing so, you'll be able to scale up and down your recipes every time you cook them.
Multiple instructions groups
Split instructions and ingredients into groups so that you reduce the complexity of each of the steps. Your recipes will be much easier to follow!
Public links
Every recipe has a public link you can immediately share.
Pixel perfect PDF
We'll automatically produce a PDF with your recipe. You can print and collect them, or share them in physical format.
Public profile
All your public recipes are accessible from your profile. Create a beautiful collection of your favourite preparations and inspire others to cook them.
Exquisite design optimized for cooking
Every detail has been carefully thought to improve the experience while cooking. We have removed all the distracting and useless elements so that you'll love to cook using un of our recipes.
Cooking tools to make your life easier
Improve and speed up your cooking by using our Mise en place and preparation assistant. Scale-up and down your recipes, and make sure you have all the ingredients ready.
Our business model doesn't rely on Ads, traffic or external investments to keep the lights on, so we'll stay true to our essence.
Run by a human
Fork club isn't a team or a startup or a movement or whatever: it's just me. I respond to every email personally and deeply care about the problems I'm trying to solve.
Unified collection
Instead of keeping notes, Youtube videos and links chaotically organized, unify your collection and have it always available. Make adjustments and tune your favourite recipes as you cook them.
We ethically source information about which features are used more, but don't share it with anybody.
Accessible for everybody
Recipes are optimised for accessibility so that everybody will be able to enjoy your creations without trouble from all devices.
Blazing fast
We are tech nerds. We have improved every possible detail to make this tool as fast as possible — No more slow loading pages, broken links or lost recipes.
We enforce concise descriptions and instructions to make readers enjoy your recipes. Recipes must be as brief as possible to not make them get in between you and your cooking. The less, the better.
No difficulty
Recipe difficulties are just gatekeeping, which dissuades people from cooking. Instead, we let you define which part of the recipe is the hardest and let the reader decide to cook the recipe or not.
No images
A bad recipe with a good image is a trap, a good recipe with a bad image is a missed opportunity.
Not a blog
Recipes are timeless. A recently posted recipe ain't better than an old one.
No ads
Our business model is not to sell your recipes traffic for ads. Prolific authors pay a small fee to store their recipes.
No tracking
We don't directly/indirectly share your behaviour to companies like Google or Facebook. What happens in your kitchen stays in your kitchen.